In the first half of the 19th
century, the young United States went from a
rural agrarian and barely united nation to a
pre-modern industrializing one, but it was still
only a somewhat united nation-state. The
population increased five-fold; the land area
expanded from the Mississippi to the Pacific;
the Northeast was laying the foundation of a
powerful industrial giant; and members of
various ethnic groups, religions, classes,
regions, educational levels and political ideas
were struggling with just what this new country
was about and what it should be.
The middle decades of this
era are frequently called either the “Age of
Jackson” because of the dominant political
leader of the time, or the “Era of the Common
Man” because of the belief that an average man
could, with hard work, get ahead and also could
participate in civic life. Calvin Colton of
Longmeadow played an important role in three
aspects of the developing young nation:
emigration to the United States, the political
party system as a major figure in the Whig
party, and a articulator of a common ideology
for the new nation.

Calvin Colton, born in Longmeadow on September
74, 1789, was a fifth generation member of a
prominent family in colonial Springfield. George
Colton had been one of the original settlers of
“Agawam Plantation” and had received larger than
average land grants in the Masaksic (“longe
Meddowe”) section of Springfield. George
Colton’s skills as a “quartermaster” in the fur
business with Springfield’s founder, William
Pynchon, and his large number of sons and their
land grants, enabled the rise of a dynasty that
came to dominate the meadows and later the
independent town (1783). Calvin's
great-grandfather, Captain John Colton, was
married to the sister of Connecticut Governor
Roger Wolcott. His grandfather Simon was an
officer in the French and Indian War. Calvin’s
father, Major Luther Colton, served in the
American Revolution.
Calvin attended Monson
Academy and graduated from Yale in 1812; he then
completed the three-year course of study at
Andover Theological Seminary in two years. His
ministry included various locations in western
New York. After the death of his wife, Abbey
North Raymond, as well as a weakening voice, he
became an Episcopal clergyman and was rector of
the Church of the Messiah in New York City.
During the 1830’s he wrote and published a
variety of books on religion and American life.
These books are of limited value for their
historic and theological content and as manuals
of style. But it was also during this time that
Calvin began a new career as a traveler and
journalist. From 1831 to 1835 he was in England
as a correspondent for the
York Observer. The resulting descriptive
travel narratives are of real value in
understanding the time period, and also in how
potential emigrants from Europe were encouraged
to migrate to the new nation. The most important
works were a
Manual for Emigrants to America and
of the American Lakes. Upon his return to
America, Colton became involved in the politics
of the era as a pamphleteer for the Whig Party.
In the meantime, especially
in the 1820s and early 1830s, the number of
potential voters had dramatically increased, as
individual states had moved from minimum wealth
requirements (real and,/or personal) to
universal white male suffrage. By the mid-1830s
a vigorous and lively participatory national
political culture had emerged. New
electioneering styles and techniques—barbecues,
parades, newspapers, cartoons, posters,
music—and very importantly, newspapers and
pamphlets, had developed. The over 80% turnout
in the 1840 presidential election indicates the
importance of these “popular” campaign methods.
It was in this area of political propaganda,
under the pen name “Junius,” that Colton wrote
for the winning Whig campaign for the presidency
in 1840. He continued this new career as
political journalist when he became editor of
the “True Whig” in Washington, 1842-1843. In
this role he helped define and articulate what
it meant to be a true Whig: in favor of national
expansion, federal help for the economy through
internal improvements, and reforming American
In 1844 Colton was summoned
to Ashland, Kentucky, the home of one of the
great leaders of pre-Civil War America: Henry
Clay. He was commissioned to write the official
biography of Clay and to edit his papers. The
edited papers are still considered standard and
useful to study Clay, but the biography, a
classic panegyric, provides no critical analysis
and has been replaced by far more useful
biographies that do justice to one of the most
qualified leaders never elected president.
Clay had been a young
Congressman from the “West” (Kentucky) in 1812
and was a leading “War Hawk,” who forced
President Madison to go to war with Great
Britain over trade, maritime rights, and land
known as British Canada. This early expression
of nationalism by Clay would be a benchmark of
his career. It was the core of his national
economic policies (the “American System”) that
would protect young American industries with
high protective tariffs, and federally funded
improvements like canals and roads (and later
railroads) that would create a national economy.
As a political leader in the House and in the
Senate, Clay played a major role in keeping the
union together when slavery became an issue.
"in the United States... real intrinsic
worth and practical talents for usefulness are
most honored..." - Calvin
He played a pivotal role in
arranging the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and
the Compromise of 1850, both of which tried to
deal with the explosive issue of the expansion
of slavery into new western lands.
Calvin Colton and Henry Clay
were in agreement on most major issues of the
day, especially the belief in protective
tariffs. Colton became a leading advocate, and
in 1848 published “Public Economy for the United
States.” The work was favorably received and led
to the establishment of a chair of public
Economy at Trinity College, Hartford CT. This
professorship was offered to Colton in 1852, and
he held it until his death in 1857. In 1850 he
gave a lecture at the Smithsonian in Washington,
where he advocated the building of a
transcontinental railroad: The Pacific Coast had
just become the western border of the United
States. And just two years
his death he returned to Longmeadow and gave a
public lecture on “The Future of American
There were no guarantees that
the new United States would survive and prosper.
The Constitution of 1787 had laid out a broad
plan of union and a revised national government.
But there had been no provisions for political
parties-in fact the Founders heartily disliked
the idea. The vicious and bitter political
battles of the early decades between Federalists
and Jeffersonians suggested an end to the
experiment in self-government, and the
succeeding “Era of Good Feelings” only papered
over many of the problems facing Americans.
However, by the late 1830's,
the two political parties—Democratic and
Whig—although still having many policy
differences, would, in the words of Calvin
Colton, “. ... always remain nearly equal to
match each other, and every few years there must
be a change.” Colton, as “Junius,” argued that
the parties were a legitimate and necessary part
of the political culture. This reflected the
achievement of a larger and common belief in
American culture, that all men should have the
chance to get ahead, that they should not be
impeded by government actions. For the first
time since independence from England, Americans
were developing the sense that politics had a
close relation to their welfare, and that
through voting and involvement in political
parties, they had some control over their own
futures. As Calvin Colton put it, “...this is a
country of self-made men. . ..